For today's store tour, we're traveling pretty far away from the New Jersey stores we've been seeing for this one in West Virginia just over the river from Maryland. My first impression was that this store feels like a Grand Union, with the brick storefront, slight arch, and slanted green awning. However, it was never a Grand Union and it was, as far as I know, a Food Lion for its whole life. You can enter on either end, but the store's normal flow takes you to the produce department in the front right corner. Frozen foods line the right side with meat on the back wall and beer in the back left corner. Deli/bakery are in the front corner, with customer service oddly right smack in the middle of the front end. You can see how the produce department only takes up the front corner here. And although it's small, it's a pretty nice produce department. I have to say, this decor (which Food Lion appears to no longer use) looks very nice here. I'm not ...