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TOUR: Key Food Supermarkets - Flatbush South, Brooklyn, NY

Let's review. On this block of Nostrand Ave, we have The Meat Place next door to this Key Food, with KP Farm Market next door to that and Isaac Natural Foods two doors up from that. We've already seen a Key Food in Flatbush, at the north end of the neighborhood on Flatbush Ave, and there are no fewer than five Key Foods on Nostrand: 367, 653, 1232, 1905 (this one), and 2326. 653 and 2326, by the way, are currently being remodeled.
It's been quite a while since this particular Key Food was remodeled, but even though it's pretty old, it's still looking clean and well-stocked.
This 7,000 square foot store features a tiny deli immediately inside the entrance, with produce and dairy in the first aisle. Dairy and meat line the back wall of the store, with frozen in the last aisle.
Zaha Ahmed owns this store, and I believe a few other Key Food locations.
I must say that, although it's not the most modern, I do like the decor. At least it's uniform across the whole store, and it's high enough and hanging so that product stacked on top of the cases doesn't cover it. I'm not sold on the purple, pink, and turquoise color scheme, but...
An extension of the dairy department onto the back wall. You can see the flooring pattern is a little wonky, but it's very clean.
Grocery aisles are really packed with stuff. Notice that, for items like the pasta sauce jars, sheets of cardboard are used so that they can be stacked on top of each other -- not commonly seen in larger supermarkets.
This shot gives us a chance to check out these cool hanging aisle signs, which were clearly custom-made for this store. Once again, they match the rest of the decor even if they're not uh... the most modern. We can also take a closer look at the textured ceiling across the whole store. It may be pressed tin, depending on the age of the store, or a 1950s/60s era tile variation. It's certainly not a modern drop ceiling style. Very interesting!
Even the freezer cases match the decor in color!
Interestingly enough, customer service is in an island past register 5 near the entrance instead of in the corner to the left in the above picture. Not remembering right now what was in fact in that corner. Our next stop is near where Nostrand Ave joins up with Flatbush Ave. After that I promise we're done with Flatbush Avenue!

Key Food Supermarkets

1905 Nostrand Ave, Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY
Photographed May 2019


  1. I agree with you about the datedness of the décor as far as the color scheme and (I'll add) font are concerned, but wow -- those checklanes! Those aisle markers! Those checklanes!!

    1. Isn't it oddly beautiful? I do love a beautiful new store, but I also love stores like this that haven't had partial upgrades here and there.


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