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TOUR: Boyer's Food Markets - McAdoo, PA

Boyer's Food Markets
Owner: Dean Walker
Opened: ca. 1980s
Previous Tenants: unknown
Location: 318 S Hancock St, McAdoo, PA
Photographed: November 29, 2019
For our first post back from summer break, we'll be checking out -- shocker -- a Boyer's in the Coal Region! We've seen quite a few Boyer's in the past few months, and there are a few more before we move on from this area.
It's not clear who built this store, but we know that definitely from 1977 to 1988 (plus probably a little more time on either side) it was an IGA Foodliner owned by Nick Zukovich. At some point after that, Boyer's took it over (possibly when Boyer's was still IGA-affiliated, and they later switched to Great Valu before becoming completely independent). In fact, you can still kind of see the outline of the Great Valu lettering behind the Food Markets and Makes you feel so good! lettering.
Heading in, this looks a lot like a lot of the other Boyer's of this generation we've seen. You enter and turn right to walk through a sale area to produce in the front right corner, baked goods and packaged deli in the first aisle, deli/meat and cold cuts on the back wall, and dairy/frozen on the left side.
The store definitely isn't beautiful but it's very well-stocked, clean, and maintained well.
Here's a look across the front-end from the produce side of the store. As we see, it's a bit bland and very white.
The first aisle has baked goods and brings us straight to the deli department on the back wall. There's no service bakery here, and I'm not sure whether any of the Boyer's have service bakery departments.
Apologies for the terrible picture of the meat department...
Ah well. Things get better in aisle 7, and we see that the grocery aisles don't really give us any clues either as to who may have built this store. It's very possible that it was constructed by an IGA or other independent store.
Frozen at the far left side of the store...
It's also hard to place the age of these fixtures, since they are somewhat old-fashioned looking. They could be very new or very old and well-maintained. My money is on the newer side.
Dairy lines the outside wall of the store, in aisle 13.
Customer service is at the dairy/frozen side of the front end...
That's all for McAdoo, and by the way, Boyer's is the only game in town grocery-wise. Up next we're headed into Hazleton for a former supermarket on Grocery Archaeology!
