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Special Report: New Bushwick Supermarkets!

Supermarket coming soon
Location: 1389 Broadway, Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY
Photographed: January 22, 2024
Today we saw the Foodtown in northern Bushwick, and before we leave Bushwick we're going to check out another supermarket on its way to the neighborhood! Unfortunately, I don't know anything about this supermarket -- beyond walking by and noticing the prominent Supermarket Coming Soon signage around the building. The supermarket takes up around 18,000 square feet of the ground floor of the brand-new residential building at 1389 Broadway, also called 8 Palmetto Street.
The store seems to be very wide, with entrances at either end. It looks like deli and dairy might be on the left side, produce on the right side, and the front-end is in between the two with the main supermarket behind it. We'll see a few interior shots in a second.
It hasn't been announced yet what banner this store will be or who will own it, but my gut tells me it'll be something affiliated with the Associated Supermarket Group. It has the same feeling as their new stores in northern Bushwick and New Lots.
Here we can see a little bit of the interior. I believe the main supermarket is on the other side of that yellow wall. There's no decor in yet, but the walls are painted their respective colors. I don't know, this interior doesn't look particularly beautiful right now with the bright wall colors and older-looking flooring even though it's brand-new. Maybe I'll be surprised with how the place has transformed once it opens.
Here we can see where the supermarket's aisles open up to the registers in the front.
And to the right of that is the produce department. Again, what's with this flooring? Doesn't that look more like what we might expect from an old-school Associated than a brand-new store? But I guess I should reserve judgment until the store's done and open since it's still very clearly in progress. But if you look at this photo from the New Lots Associated, you'll see what I mean about this store having a similar feeling inside.
18,000 square feet doesn't sound like too large of a store, but the truth is that's quite large for this area. The small but mighty Howard Marketplace, affiliated with Key Food, is basically across the street from this store. Although it has a remarkable selection for its size, it still is just about 4,000 square feet. And here's a bonus store in the same area!
Supermarket coming soon
Location: 870 Willoughby Ave, Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY
Photographed: January 22, 2024
Just a few blocks north -- okay, 15 blocks to be exact -- from the store at 1389 Broadway is this store, whose address is 870 Willoughby but the building also spans over to 1020 Broadway. It doesn't look like this is actively being prepared for a supermarket just yet, but this new-build space is clearly ready for a supermarket to move in. Without seeing a floor plan, I don't really know how large the space is, but it looks like it could be as big as 10,000 square feet. It's a tough location, though, in walking distance to a Food Bazaar, a Western Beef, a Shop Fair, an Associated, and a Fine Fare. We'll have to see if anyone jumps on the opportunity to move in here! That's all for today, but tomorrow we have another special report over on The Independent Edition!
