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Coming Soon!

Would you believe that even though we're nearing the border of New Hampshire, and most of what we just passed through was forests, mountains, and reservoirs, we're still within Worcester County? We're about 20 miles north of Worcester here -- a long way in a small state -- to visit the Montachusett Region, the area surrounding Fitchburg, which is the largest city in this area. Leominster (pronounced Lemon-ster) is about eight miles north of Clinton, where we saw several stores over the last few days. We're going to start near the southern end of Leominster, then move north through the town before we cross into Fitchburg for a few more stores. Then we'll go just northeast of Fitchburg to make one stop in the small town of Lunenburg. There aren't a whole lot of stores up here, so we won't spend that long in this area, just about two and a half weeks. And once we're done with that, it's off east to the Lowell area. In the meantime, have a good weekend, and we'll start with our first Leominster store on Monday!
