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Look Inside: Waverly Market - Framingham, MA

Waverly Market
Opened: 1929
Owner: David Stefanini
Previous Tenants: none
Cooperative: none
Location: 684 Waverly St, Framingham, MA
Photographed: March 18, 2022
Welcome to Framingham! Waverly Market brings us back to an older era of Framingham, and the Italian grocer has been in town since 1929. The store is about 5000 square feet and focuses on Italian specialty products. There's a few small rooms and alcoves with shelving of groceries, then in the main room is a large butcher and deli.
This is your spot for imported pasta! I wonder if restaurants or other commercial buyers shop here for specialty items, especially given things like the larger cans of tomatoes at the bottom.
Frozen meat lines one side of the store, which has been assembled from various rooms and therefore is a bit unusual in shape.
But the main draw is this room, with meats, deli items, and prepared foods. They also make sandwiches and have a few other ready-to-eat foods, and there's a small seating area next to the register in the front.
Framingham has changed a lot in the last century that Waverly Market has been open, and as new waves of immigrants come in from Portugal and Brazil and various Latin American countries, new stores have opened up serving those communities, too. Over the next few days, we're going to see a few of those around town!
