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Snapshot: Seabra Foods - Framingham, MA

Seabra Foods
Opened: unknown
Owner: Antonio Seabra
Previous Tenants: Stop & Shop > Sunshine Country
Cooperative: none
Location: 208 Waverly St, Framingham, MA
Photographed: April 18, 2019
Today's snapshot is a quick look at the Seabra Foods in downtown Framingham. The Portuguese supermarket chain from Newark, New Jersey opened here in the early to mid-00s (or at least that's my guess -- it might have been a bit earlier, but it was definitely before 2008). This is a very small Seabra, it looks like around 8300 square feet, carved out of a former Stop & Shop that later became a local store called Sunshine Country. The Stop & Shop was built in the late 50s.
There are six Seabra Foods locations in New England, mostly to the southeast of here in the Fall River-New Bedford area. An additional six are around Newark, New Jersey (with one coming soon to South River near New Brunswick), and an unrelated group of four Seabra's Market locations is also in the Newark area. More recently, Seabra has been expanding their presence in Florida, and they're now up to four stores -- you can check one out here! Interior pictures of this store online are a bit limited (and my pictures are just from a train window), but from what is out there you can tell the store is old inside. Most Seabras are quite up-to-date, but this one hasn't gotten much renovation because it's planning to move farther into downtown Framingham to 35 Concord St, just north of the train tracks. This is our last store in downtown Framingham, and tomorrow we're back up to route 9 for a store up there!
